The Impact of Music Classes
To provide the best music classes, Crescendo actively collaborates with community educational, cultural and neighborhood organizations. Our main studios and offices are in the heart of the arts scene in downtown Kalamazoo, the Epic Center. From this central location, Crescendo continues to extend its reach into the surrounding neighborhoods and communities.

Marvelous Music!
This program for preschool children and their families is in 40 classrooms including Head Start, the YWCA Children Center, the Comstock Community Learning Center, Portage Public School’s Great Start Readiness program and KRESA’s Great Start program. Developed by Crescendo Academy of Music and the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Marvelous Music! incorporates Crescendo’s Music Together classes and the KSO’s Musical Storybooks presentations, provides books and music for the home, and more. The program is designed to foster a foundation of life skills including active participation, focus, movement, music skills, and reading readiness. Watch a short video about the program here. Marvelous Music! is made possible through grants from the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, Irving S. Gilmore Foundation, Harold and Grace Upjohn Foundation, and the PNC Foundation.

Area Arts Organizations
The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra partners with Crescendo by providing Artist-in-Residence teaching artists and by jointly developing programs. The KSO League provides scholarships for Crescendo students. Crescendo provides rehearsal space for KSO ensembles and musicians, the Gilmore International Keyboard Festival KeysFest event, the Black Arts and Culture Center (BACC), and Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Society Orchestras. We also provide meeting space for the Stulberg International String Competition.
Area Public Schools
Public schools in the area engage private instructors from Crescendo to teach their students during school hours.
Neighboring Towns
In Vicksburg, Crescendo offers a before-school string program, while Vicksburg music teaching artists assist with program development and referrals. Crescendo instructors also serve as ensemble coaches for area schools.
Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Orchestras
A large percentage of Crescendo students participate in Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Orchestras. The KJSO offers scholarships to some students for study at Crescendo.
Regional Music Competitions
Many Crescendo students excel when competing in regional competitions including Michigan State Band/Orchestra Festivals, the Spotlight on Youth Recital, the BRAVO Competition, the National Association of Teachers of Singing competition, and the Stulberg International String Competition Master Classes.
Retirement Centers
Crescendo performs recitals annually at retirement centers including Bronson Nursing Home, Wyndham Retirement Communities, Fountainview, and Fountains at Bronson Place.
Visual Arts Organizations
Crescendo hosts Art Hop activities and participates in Art on the Mall. Local artists provide artwork for Crescendo’s hallways.
Local Churches
The First Presbyterian Church and First Congregational Church provide space for recitals by Crescendo students, faculty, and ensembles.
Local Community Events
Crescendo provides entertainment for local events such as Harvest Fest, Farmers Markets in Kalamazoo, Celery Flats in Portage, and Kalamazoo Art Hops. Our Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra performs throughout the region, including the Cooper’s Glen Music Festival, New Years Fest, and the Fretboard Festival at Kalamazoo Valley Community College.